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Lego League Junior

Sparking Curiosity & Building Ingenuity through Quality Stem Experiences

Each year FIRST Lego League Junior offers students the opportunity to research and learn about real-world challenges, utilize their imagination and critical thinking to design and build solutions all while learning about the engineering process and the importance of working together as a team.  All research and discovery is student-driven, with at least two adult "coaches" serving as mentors.  Students are able to begin experimenting with different build and design principles, programming, research documentation and...eventually...gain from the experience of presenting their work at a regional FLL Jr Expo.

This year's FLL Jr season was titled Aqua Advencture and asked for students to work as a team to explore the human water cycle. Students work together to decide on a human use of water that they want to explore more fully. Once identified, team members worked together to explore water's journey specific to the use they chose, identified a potential problem, proposed a solution and then developed a motorized LEGO build and "Show Me" poster to illustrate their discovery.  

HYPE Robotics is committed to developing new and existing FLL Jr programs in our area. Contact us to learn more about this rewarding experience!

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